On Occasion there may be various forms you are asked to fill in and return to the Surgery. Below are the most popular forms you may be expected to fill in. If a form you require is not here, please contact the reception team.
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
If you have been asked by one of our clinicians to monitor you blood pressure at home please print, complete and return the form to the Surgery, as soon as possible. To access the form click link below.
Smart BP App
Why not use the SmartBP app? Available for free on iPhone and Android, this app allows you to input your BP readings to create data and graphs that you can send directly to us.
Once you have completed your 7 days of readings, create a PDF document in the app and then email it to us at : [email protected]
Recommended BP Machines for Home BP Monitoring
Click here to view Blood Pressure machines we recommended for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring.
Please Note:- Blood Pressure Machines MUST be an arm monitor NOT a wrist monitor.
Urine Tests
If you have been asked to drop off a urine sample at the surgery we need you to complete a form, please click the link below.
Unfortunately we cannot process urine sample without this form (please have this filled in ready for when you drop off your sample).
Please note!
In order to effectively process Urine Samples please ensure that your Sample arrives at the Surgery before 12pm.
COPD – Rescue Pack – Request Form
If you require a further supply of antibiotics and Steroids please fill in the form below and return it to us.
Contraceptive Pill Review
If you require a contraceptive pill review please fill in the form below and either email the completed form back to [email protected] or drop it off at reception.
Self Vaginal Swabs
If you have been asked by one of our clinicians to complete a Self Vaginal Swab please see guidance below
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Renewal Form
If you have been directed by one of our clinicians to fill in a HRT renewal form please fill in the form below.
Please email completed form back to [email protected] or drop it off with our reception team.