In the case of an emergency you can attend the “Sit and Wait” surgery which is held every morning from 09:00 until 11:00. The sit and wait surgery is run on a first come, first served basis although we endeavour to see young children and very urgent cases as soon as possible.
You will be asked by the receptionist about why you need to see a doctor, this is to try to ensure that urgent cases are seen quickly.
If you wish to attend the “Sit and Wait” you must telephone in advance.
It is likely that the doctor will not be able to spend as much time with you as they would in a booked appointment and we would suggest that you do not attend “Sit and Wait” with ongoing problems.
The “Sit and Wait” surgeries can be busy but it is very unusual to have to wait more than an hour to be seen and often it is very much quicker than this.